Sdgo Next Evolution North America

Posted on  by admin

According to the official team, in the OBT this time the battle system of SD Gundam Next Evolution has been vastly improved. The level cap will also be increased to level 35. Answers and Frequently Asked Questions of SD Gundam Next Evolution (Click Here) Buy an account for USD $7.50 here. You can also buy in-game cash on that Facebook page.

CBT : 14 Feb 2012
CBT application starts on 20th January 2012 (1800HRS GMT +8)

General Rules :

• Baca peraturan umum subforum Online Games Disini
• Cek dulu Official page Facebook untuk liat update terbaru sebelum post jika error/maintenance
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• Baca Post 1-3 sebelum bertanya.
• Jika ingin posting gambar/video, tolong menggunakan tag spoiler
• Untuk gambar yang besar, tolong upload pake thumbnail, biar ga bwk.
• Segala bentuk pelanggaran akan di berikan Warning, Hadiah, or Delete Post.

Sdgo Next Evolution North America
Official Website
Official Forum

Spoiler for Video:

Spoiler for Download:

Sdgo Next Evolution North America

Full Game Client Part 1
Full Game Client Part 2
Full Game Client Part 3
Full Game Client Part 4
Full Game Client Part 5
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Sdgo Next Evolution North America

Hotfile Mirror Site Full Client Part 1
Hotfile Mirror Site Full Client Part 2
Hotfile Mirror Site Full Client Part 3
Hotfile Mirror Site Full Client Part 4
Hotfile Mirror Site Full Client Part 5
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You have to download the most current versions of DirectX and the most current driver for your graphics card.
Keep in mind there may be different versions of the driver depending on your OS.

Penting :
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