Avatar The Last Airbender

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Dec 17, 2018 - This week marks a changing of the guard for Avatar: The Last Airbender comics. Since the iconic animated martial arts adventure series went. The Last Airbender was rumored to be released in the summer of 2010 before it received a formal release date of July 1, 2010. To avoid confusion with James Cameron's Avatar, the title was changed from Avatar: The Last Airbender to simply The Last Airbender.


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Netflix has ordered a live-action series based on “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”

The new show hails from the original creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, who will serve as showrunners and executive producers. The new series, in partnership with Nickelodeon, will start production in 2019.

Avatar The Last Airbender

The show follows the adventures of Aang–the titular Avatar and last Airbender–and his friends, who live in a world divided into four nations, each corresponding with one of the four elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. Special people in each nation, known as benders, have the ability to manipulate one of the elements through martial arts. The Avatar is able to control all four elements and is meant to bring balance to the world. Aang and company must save the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai and end a destructive war waged by the Fire Nation.

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Avatar The Last AirbenderAvatar The Last Airbender

Avatar - The Last Airbender: The Complete Series After a lapse of 100 years, the Avatar-spiritual master of the elements-has returned. And just in the nick of time. The Four Nations (Water, Earth, Fire, and Air) have become unbalanced. The Fire Nation wants to rule the world, and its first conquest will be the Northern Water Tribe.

“We’re thrilled for the opportunity to helm this live-action adaptation of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender,'” said Konietzko and DiMartino. “We can’t wait to realize Aang’s world as cinematically as we always imagined it to be, and with a culturally appropriate, non-whitewashed cast. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build upon everyone’s great work on the original animated series and go even deeper into the characters, story, action, and world-building. Netflix is wholly dedicated to manifesting our vision for this retelling, and we’re incredibly grateful to be partnering with them.”

“The Last Airbender” aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon from February 2005 to July 2008. The series received substantial acclaim during its run, picking up multiple Annie Awards, Genesis Awards, a Primetime Emmy Award, and a Peabody Award.

News of the series comes after M. Night Shyamalan adapted the show into a film in 2010. The film was panned by critics and fans alike and holds just a 6% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.