Free Video To Mp3 Converter

Posted on  by admin has chosen not to provide a direct-download link for this product and offers this page for informational purposes only.

The videos are always converted in the highest available quality. Please note that we can only convert videos up to a length of 2 hours - the limitation is necessary, so the conversion of any video will not take more than a couple of minutes. Our service is for free and does not require any software or registration. However, if you need to be offline but still want to enjoy playlists, user channels or a new artist, then rest assured that you can use tools such as Free YouTube to MP3 Converter and grab the.

Free Video to MP3 Converter extracts audio tracks from video clips and converts them to MP3, AAC, WAV, and many other audio formats for ringtones, notifications, and tunes. You can browse, drag-and-drop, or right-click to add files; change output names and add tags; and convert batches of files with a single click.

Free Video To Mp3 Converter


Presets: The Preset Editor preconfigures different file formats for different devices, so you can select them quickly from the Quality menu. A checkbox activates the Create M3U Playlist feature.

Options: Free Video to MP3 Converter's options include sounds, languages, themes, and log reports. A checkbox adds the app to Windows context menus.

High quality: Free Video to MP3 Converter handles high-quality formats like OGG, FLAC, and APE; most formats offer multiple quality settings, too.


Preset Editor: The Preset Editor is important and deserves clearer labeling than just a magic wand icon.

Pro/Con: We're not sure what to make of the included (integrated?) Free Studio Manager. On the one hand, its pop-up Prerequisite Check analyzed our system's graphics card drivers and compatibility with hardware acceleration. However, it consistently misidentified up-to-date drivers. While you can check a Remind Me Later box on the Free Studio Manager's interface, you can't turn off or remove it; yet it has its own (optional) desktop icon, suggesting a separate app.

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Bottom Line

Although the built-in Free Studio Manager is a good idea that needs work, we found Free Video to MP3 Converter easy to use and effective at extracting audio from video.

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